Saturday 4 October 2008

he..he ...he....

A lot is being said about the fate of the greatest Indian batsmen of our times. Their performances are being analysed,compared and taken apart. The general opinion of every armchair expert is that only the younger generation can lift out team to greatness and the fading fab4 along with Mr.Jumbo are perpetrating a great crime to the nation by not hanging up their gloves, bats and balls. The media as usual showing a great deal of journalistic wisdom is coming up with various statistics. Here is one such article.

Also take a look at the comments from readers.....As one of them aptly put '
Statistics is like a Lamp post that a drunk man leans on .. for support not illumination.'

I am still laughing.............


Pradeep said...

ellaarnu line aagi nilsi sudbeku!!! seriously stupid analysts and their analysis!!

Ravi Kiran said...


probably they justify the salary they take by showing the statistics of number of stupid articles they wrote for a mont !!!