Tuesday 2 December 2008

Signal minutes......

The light turned red, bringing the bus to a halt
All around vehicles heave a sigh and begin their wait

As I wipe my brows of the sweat, I see out
The people who depend on these minutes set about

Street performers do their thing in between vehicles
Ask you to admire and pay for their display of skills

Vendors of various wares flock your window
Fruits, snacks, toys, books and many more follow

Beggars with various ailments try to elicit your sympathy.
Which is often met with utter disdain and apathy

Not far behind are the eunuchs who indulge in extortion
Threatening you with the shame of public humiliation

Amidst all these hullabaloo there is the traffic constable
Trying to untangle things and contributing to the babel

As the the light turns green, you forget them as they go out of sight
Only to encounter them at the next signal, different faces, but same fight.....


Pradeep said...


Ravi Kiran said...


mahima said...

I think when we are stuck in traffic we get the best creative ideas!...